There was a time, several decades ago, when the topic of overpopulation was widely discussed and of great concern...when the hell did that change?!! The planet's population has drastically multiplied since then, but suddenly NO ONE (at least here in North America) wants to discuss how the excessive overpopulation problem is at the root of a HUGE number of the planet's issues. Every person would have good quality food with a good quality of life if there were fewer bodies competing for resources and producing waste, but no one wants to even consider giving up their "right" to reproduce.
We have long passed the point where reproduction is a "right"! The people who reproduce the most vigorously are often of lesser qualification (and intelligence) than the more responsible breeders. But now the population has gotten so way beyond out-of-control that no amount of breeding is responsible anymore! (I need to point out, though, that if the intelligent people choose to exercise restraint for the greater good, these people will eventually be bred out of existence by those who are short-sighted and selfish...)
As much as more regulation is not necessarily better, people have taken the privilege of reproduction way too far, and as the breeding generation becomes more idealistic, it is perceived as something we should all experience! How absurd!!!!
If you feel that you NEED to breed in order to have a complete life, ask yourself WHY:
- Is it the need to re-live childhood?
If you really want to re-live your childhood, just do it! Why not have that fun yourself if that's what you're really after!
- Is it religion?
The "Be fruitful and multiply" philosophy (or other variations on that theme) were around in a time when infant mortality was significantly higher, and you pretty much had to over-breed just to ensure some survival. In the present world, where there is healthcare and laws to protect people (as well as a huge base population) this means exponential growth... be practical and use your brains - this is an archaic idea that has become dangerous to the whole planet!
-Do you feel you can't be fulfilled as a person unless you breed?
Clearly you need to examine yourself and your own life - crapping out a kid should not be the one major fulfilling thing you have done in life - that puts these particular thinkers on par with amoeba, or any other one-celled organism that also merely needs to reproduce in order to be fulfilled. Maybe you should work on your own life first, before dragging another poor victim into the overpopulated hell that WILL eventually self-destruct one day.
- Is it that you want someone special to love and spoil?
There are MANY children and adults who need this - why be so selfish and only offer it to the people who come out of your genitals? You may not even LIKE your offspring!! Offer these things to someone deserving who is already in existence.
- Is it that you perceive this human existence in this time as a wonderfully awesome experience that must be shared?
First - that notion is naively insane to begin with!! Lucky you, if this is how you see things.
Second - do you really look into the future and see the life your offspring would have as
good?? The person you create may resent you for selfishly dragging them into this hell. If you really love your children, you would not bring them here now.
- Do you just really need to crap something large out of your orifice?
Grab a baseball bat, or visit your local vegetable department or sex toy store - problem solved! Over and over if you want! Rip yourself right in half until you shit and need stitches if that's really what you need, but don't end it all with YET ANOTHER hairless monkey straining resources and filling space. It is NOT more special when it's yours!!! The oversized schlong you purchase and tear yourself in half with is way more special!
- Do you just not know why?
This is your hormones taking over your brain - don't let them take control! Get your tubes tied, and just fuck it out! Tell your troublesome hormones, "I don't know why there's no pregnancy - maybe we should just have more sex!"
And why ruin sex by creating more people?!! People suck - why make more???
So, Ladies, the next time that overwhelming urge to breed takes hold, just core yourself with the nearest baseball bat or squash, grab a chocolate bar, and find a good, creative hobby! (Get yourself a whiny, demanding boyfriend to spoil too, if that's what you've gotta do!)
STOP ALREADY!! The planet is FULL!!!!
I have put my money where my mouth is, and had my tubes tied at the first possible opportunity.
Save the world! Be a biological failure, and DON'T just reproduce and die! Tell yourself you have greater purpose than that!