Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Make Every Day Halloween!

Why wait for just one day of each year to dress up in a fun (or sleazy, if that's where you like to go with it) costume?
Let the normal people wait until Halloween - wear what you want to when you want to!
Going out dancing is so much more fun in costume! So is riding transit! In the daytime! And grocery shopping!
Be bold, unique, and fun, and don't just save it for one day of every year!
Wear bright and elaborate make-up just because it's fun! Splash on some fake blood on a Wednesday night and make your own spontaneous Halloween parties pop up in the middle of the year! Be artistic, and a walking work of art!

Why limit yourself? Why wait when spontaneous fun can happen now?!

Be the person you want to be!

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Getting Off the Hamster Wheel: Don't Work Just to Afford to Drive to Work!

Ever feel like you work just to pay for a vehicle so you have the privilege of driving to work???

Perhaps it’s time to get a bus pass, cut back on a few shifts, and take a bit of your life back while saving the planet!

Do a little math – how many hours a week do you work just to pay for your vehicle? You’d be shocked, I’m sure!

Consider this – if you did not drive (taking the bus, biking or walking instead) you could cut back your working hours and have those days for your own purposes!! Or just keep working as much as always to have the extra money in your pocket…but I say that having some of your life for yourself is worth more than money!

Stop slaving your youth/life away just to pay for the transportation to get to work – get off that hamster wheel and enjoy life! Owning a vehicle is only an illusion of freedom (especially when a cab is only a phone call away, or you can give the gas money to a friend) – and at least when you are stuck in traffic on a bus, you can read! (Or poke at your phone)

Sunday, August 19, 2018

Best German Phrases: Sex Stuff

From the handiest page of the Lonely Planet German Phrasebook (2nd Ed) - Pg 115

The Sex Section:

I can't get it up - sorry.
Ich krieg ihn nicht hoch - tut mir Leid!

I won't do it without protection.
Ohne Kondom mache ich es nicht.

I think we should stop now.
Ich denke, wir sollten jetzt aufhören.

Don't worry, I'll do it myself.
Gib der keine Mühe, ich mach es mir selbst.

It helps to have a sense of humour.
Mit Humor geht alles besser.

I hope you have enjoyed our lesson!

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Dealing With Depression: Staying Productive While Wallowing in Your own Misery

For those of us who spend a large amount of time sitting on the floor staring into space (or laying facedown on the stairs crying), it is important to try to get a little bit done in each day, just so you don’t piss your whole life away being miserable. Just because you’re too miserable to focus, doesn’t mean you have to be totally useless – wasting your life feeling terrible only makes you feel worse anyway. Sometimes taking your mind off of things doesn’t work (sometimes the meds don’t work either), so you have to have a strategy to still manage to be productive when functioning is difficult.

Pause for a moment, and ask yourself, “Are my hands moving?” and if the answer is no, grab the nearest brainless task and get your hands started. You don’t need to move quickly, just keep moving steadily. Many small actions add up eventually, and if you pick something mindless, you can zone out, or cry, or whatever

Develop a strategy where you do the mindful, creative, involved tasks when you are having your good days, and specifically save the mindless, repetitive tasks for the bad days.  You're not always able to take your mind off of your issue, so just get your body started, then go ahead and wallow away in misery!

For Example, I do all my sketching on my good days, and the mindless inking on the bad. (Not so great if you're crying...ruins paper and ink) I do all the preparatory layers of paint on my canvases on my poor days and paint the pictures on my better days. Repetitive music lessons are good - this is and excellent time to just get your body started and repeat what you are doing. (Listening to music, or expressing yourself through music at these points may do more harm than good, since music can really manipulate emotions - best to stick to neutral stuff like lessons when you are feeling excessively grim)

Repetitive cleaning tasks are good (like folding laundry or cutting up cardboard for recycling) - imagine you are tidying up your mind while you tidy your surroundings! Or weed your garden, or something like that.

Pick something repetitive so you don't have to keep thinking of something new to do.
Just keep those hands moving!
You'll have at least something minimal to show for your time, and just be glad you managed to accomplish anything at all!

Saturday, August 11, 2018

Art: Poo & Bones - the paintings that have sold

By Countess Carcass 

Bird, Fish & Rodent bones

Helpful Stuff: Create Your Own Fonts!

Blood Font in both Grey Ink
And Red Ink (Real ink in this example)
As a comic artist I save a HUGE amount of time and aggravation by just drawing a font for an alphabet & numbers and scanning it - if you use Microsoft Paint (It comes standard on all computers) you can copy and paste and resize each letter as much as you want into comics, posters, photos, etc.

You can also use Paint 3D to change the color of your font!

Poo Font and an example
of how I have resized & arranged
some lettering
Save time & ink!
And keep your lettering consistent throughout!

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Art: Countess Carcass

By Ms. Crazy-Face-Tattoo & Fucker-of-Corpses:
Countess Coitus Carcass

Sunday, August 5, 2018

Art: GG Allin (Pencil)

GG Allin

Pencil Drawing by Countess Carcass 2004

(Signed under former legal name)

Friday, August 3, 2018


ZYKLON Q: A Twisted & Deranged Zombie Tale


By Countess Coitus Carcass

A writing project from the past (2010) has resurfaced to be released here in 1 chapter installments shortly! Well- researched and well-written, what starts off as a serious-sounding zombie story in the beginning turns into a ridiculous and perverted tale of madness, lust, and ZOMBIES!! with each way-too-fucked-up character outdoing the last, this story has caused many of my dear friends to nearly choke to death on one meal or another with laughter!

The first book can stand alone as a story, but is only an intro to this twisted tale which becomes meant for mature readers only by the 2nd book. It is highly offensive to the overly sensitive, so if you won't like it, don't read it!

Only 60 copies were ever printed.

I will begin posting one small section at a time soon!