Saturday, August 10, 2019

Angry Rant #3: When You Are a Nice Person, People think You Are Dumb

If you are a nice person, you will notice that everyone needs a favor... and one favor ALWAYS means more.
...if you give a hand, and someone wants the whole arm, it is because they think you are dumb, and ripe to be taken advantage of.

If you are a nice person, people will take and take and take from you, and tell you you are not a good friend if you don't put up with it. They will leave nothing for you, and they don't care. The world victimizes the nice, until they don't want to be nice anymore... then when they've finally had enough, it's the nice person who is perceived as an asshole when they finally stand up for themselves -
"What's your problem? Things have always been this way."

The world makes nice people less nice.
Nice people are perceived as ripe to be taken advantage of, because people are really shitty, so if you're nice, you must be DUMB, right?

I used to like being nice.
I'm not sure why... I've regretted it 99% of the time.
I hate being so angry and cranky, but the only person who will protect me is me. 
You HAVE to get angry, or you are surrounded by losers who suck you dry and repel the other nice people.

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