There IS value in self-medication!
No one knows you like you do! Medicinal marijuana being legal in Canada is exactly about that!
(Even if you just get your anxieties under control for more serious medical-related interactions)
If you get your internal body chemistry under healthy control, all the situational stresses and problems that pop up through life become easier to deal with more calmly and objectively. Stress is toxic, and difficulties coping with life due to body chemistry problems can really compound every other problem you have in life.
(I do work in the health industry, so I do have a somewhat educated view of things too)
Here are my favorite Non-Prescription remedies!
They REALLY WORK for me!
(All available on Amazon except CBD & THC)
1. CBD Oil (Canada only)
Stimulates your body's endocannabinoid system - relieves anxiety, stress, pain, helps with neurological issues of all kinds. Works best with THC in about a 1:1 ratio. I like the sublingual oil best, as you get 100% of the compound into your system in a ready-to-go state, whereas vaporizing requires more fussing around with potential to miss out on some of the chemicals.
2. CB2 Activators (Best in Hemp oil)
This activates your CB2 receptors directly (Synergistic effect if mixed with CBD!) to enable your body to better utilize it's own endocannabinoids, with the hemp oil providing Omega 3-6-9 fatty acids used in the production of more within your body.
***Product does NOT contain CBD or THC, but they work well together!
3. Terpenes (Pure form)
Strong anxiety? Cranky? Sore? Not sleeping well?
Terpenes are available in pure form! And they can be extracted from non-Cannabis sources, so I ordered it legally from the US. Mercene is the best-seller - it works really well as a muscle relaxant anti-anxiety solution, that is known to combat tumor growth in cancer patients.
4. Ginseng
and actually sexually arousing to a varying degree. It is good for immunity and circulation too!
Asian women have given Ginseng to their men to enhance sexual performance for centuries - so share a cup of tea and roots with your lover!
5. CES Device
We are electrochemical beings, and the brain controls the whole body - this device uses low frequency electrical impulses to pretty much reset your brain! They DO still use electroshock therapy in really severe cases of depression (It's not just some horror of the past, like in-office lobotomies - it's still around because it does help) Basically, if you feel just so out-of-whack that no solutions really bring you back to feeling like your old (younger) self, this really does feel like a "Reset" button for your brain! I was shocked how well this worked on just the first 15min use! It claims to regulate your limbic system right from the source - your brain! It claims to help everything from bipolar disorder and severe depression to low sex drive and insomnia - everything that this device claimed to help, it really did for me! (It was approved for therapeutic use by both Health Canada & the European Union, according to the pamphlet) Also promoted for chronic pain relief and migraines.
6. DIM - Daily Estrogen metabolism support
This product really saves my sanity! Too much estrogen is bad! Estrogen metabolism is very important (even in males, and even if you are not menopausal) and in women, estrogen levels can fluctuate by as much as 6000% (compared to male hormones that fluctuate only by up to 400% - info is from a course I'd taken a while back) and anything that helps safely metabolize too much estrogen will go a long way to making you feel calm and stable. (Really helps with the big mood swings quite a lot! If women you know are very stable, they are likely on a hormone-based birth control which does stabilize that stuff.) Estrogen DOES affect how the brain functions - it DOES affect emotion, behavior, memory, anger, social & sexual desire, and it is very heavily linked to breast cancer. (In both genders!) This supplement even claims to provide good breast health!
This product IS OK for men too! Many foods have compounds that can mimic estrogen within the body (cabbage is known to be a bad one) and contributes to the feminization of males. The guy I know who takes one pill a week says it really helps him focus, and removes any emotional tendencies he may have been feeling at the time.
{ ***SECRET: Women ARE all crazy - it's the fuckin' hormones combined with guys saying dumb shit right at the wrong time! If a woman is grumpy, ask her if there is anything she would like her naughty parts licked or her feet rubbed, and if she's all toothy snarls, just gently ask if she'd like anything from the store and give her some time without your voice aggravating an un-winnable situation... the anger stays after the hormones are gone... don't poke the bears! }
7. Daylight Therapy light
Good for shift work, seasonal depression, or for people who spend a lot of time indoors.
Blue light that is natural in daylight increases serotonin production (which improves melatonin production), energizes the mind and improves mood and wakefulness. Also helps keep a circadian rhythm going more correctly in night-shift workers.
Also Great:
Sunrise-simulating alarm clock with birds. :)
8. Vitamin D Gummies - Canadians are chronically low!
Low Vitamin D is connected to feelings of intense despair
(Make as many vitamins gummies as possible - then you look forward to vitamin time because it's Candy Time!)
9. Quit eating wheat...
...that's NOT just a fad, it IS bad for us as it is now. It DOES affect your mood, even if your are not officially celiac. (Even if you can digest it comfortably, a large reduction really does make your whole body feel better... Cow's milk too... the Canada food guide has been WRONG for a long time!) TRY going without - eating a meal should NOT involve a crampy or uncomfortable digesting period! Don't just get used to it - your body is telling you something when a meal doesn't sit right.
11. Ions!
Himalayan Rock Salt Lamp |
Ionizing Fan |
Make your bedroom your "Ion Chamber" with an ionizing fan or Himalayan salt lamp! (I use both) The air actually DOES feel more refreshing - just like ocean or forest air!
12. Create a beautiful space.
Hang beautiful pictures/art/decorations around your personal space. What goes in your eyeball DOES affect your mind/feelings/mental state. Make as much of your outer environment feel like your Happy Place. If your home is your castle, maybe it should resemble one a little bit here and there.
13. Garden!
We have lost our connection with nature - growing a garden is really rewarding, and beautiful.
Plants won't push your buttons, argue, or cause other grief - even if they die on you, you won't grieve deeply (usually). Plants are the peaceful side of life, and they give off oxygen - how can you go wrong? (Extra-helpful: If you have a living companion, there is room for a Sexy Gardener fantasy in there too!)
Even in limited space you can have a beautiful garden! |
14. Sexuality IS important to mental and physical health.
(So is safety about it) There is a REASON doctors ask if you have a healthy sex life - we are biological, and it is important to wellness...though I have not found an in-person mate that can help with that, an on-line naughty friendship is very good for the self-esteem and endorphins. Taking sexy pictures of yourself feels good when you have a friend to show and share with - everyone needs to feel sexy from within, and women need to stop complaining about dick pics. Appreciate the friendly salute and pay a respectful compliment!
[I reached a point where I refuse to keep friendships with people who are not OK with me being open about sexuality - grow the hell up! Be polite, flattering, and act like fucking gentlemen (or lady) - you do a little damage to every person you reject carelessly, so have some respect for people's feelings and psychological needs.]
I hope I have been helpful!
Stay well-balanced, healthy & HAPPY!
An Interesting read....makes me want to investigate the points more and see what else there is to know
ReplyDeletePlease do! This is just what I've picked up over the years - my parents even used to talk about the ion thing when I was about 8 years old - we had a really old-looking ionizer! (Also - 5-HTP is a precursor to serotonin, and an excellent light and naturally occurring (in the human body) anti-depressant, for people who don't feel like they need heavy meds.)
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