Monday, July 12, 2021 while it's still there to find

The truth won't be available to us much longer!!! Seek it out while it's still accessible to us! The New World Order is Here...

Check out ODYSEE.COM - An alternative media platform that still allows free speech and discussion. Get off YOUTUBE & Google! 

Question everything...

Renowned Brain Surgeons Say C-vid Vaccines Are Eating People's Brains

Odysee: Food Rationing Coming (Alex Jones) 

Odysee: Pedophiles Have Hijacked the Gay Movement

JP Sears Facebook Censorship (Satire / YouTube)

Favorite Channels: 

Salty Cracker - Odysee

Alex Jones Channel - Odysee    (Even if you have a dislike for Alex Jones, he is RIGHT)

JP Sears - YouTube

Zedcast (Podcast) - YouTube

Zeducation (Memes, etc) - YouTube

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