I don't sleep around at all.
I was going into my sexual peak, and was seeking a musician (preferably electronic/industrial music, but I was open to metal and horror punk) to create a musician's type of fantasy for and share my sexual peak with. The one person I really felt passionate desire for not only rejected me in a rude way, but he cut me down as a person when I was having very severe health and mental health problems. So I had been openly telling the "men" I dealt with about my peak, and my shattered state, and I had been offering my peak to someone else - in fact, I literally offered the passion I felt for that one person because I was so hurt and really needed somewhere to direct that sexuality...
Anyway, my peak PASSED.
(I make porn now for therapeutic reasons - it is for my self-esteem, because I USED to be a highly sexual person, but men I wanted never wanted me - my first 2 ex-husbands included)
I was saying such SWEET, SEXY, PASSIONATE things - it meant SO MUCH to me to begin with, especially because I don't sleep around, and sex was still "special" (to me, at least) - but every brutal rejection meant I had to ask someone else...the sexy things I had to say got a lot less special, especially when I had to keep saying these things to other people and NO ONE WAS INTERESTED!!!!!
(I have a HUGE amount of rage I need to deal with - men destroyed sex for me entirely - my sexual peak was nothing but psychological pain, my entire sexuality was ruined to the point where I am abstinent, and they made me not want the person I was in an OPEN marriage with because I was treated as PROPERTY by all the other males - so my one good marriage ended because of it. I NEVER would have married a 3rd time if I knew I'd be treated like his property by everyone else!!! We were married out of friendship - it was ALWAYS OPEN - but the way I was treated destroyed even that. My ex gave me a separation out of friendship - he was so shocked and disgusted by what he witnessed that he let me go, but it made no difference here. "Men" took everything from me - they use your body while you are young and stupid, they make fun of you for not getting much out of it, then they run the other way as soon as a strong, passionate woman really wants sex, leaving her to feel utterly destroyed and disgusting)
Here are some of the things I said/offered that sent men running: (ALL of these people had seen me dance at shows - my sexuality and my dancing were one, and I ALWAYS dance for ALL bands - it's a respect thing. It's extra insulting that they KNEW what they were turning down!!!!)
1. "Fuck me like the world is about to end and the last thing we will ever do is fuck each other! I want to crush your cock inside me while I roar in your face!"
2. I had drawn sexy artwork & offered anal sex to a Horror Punk musician - I also gave him one of my severed nipple replicas! He tried to pass me off to others in his band, claimed he wanted to be friends, and that was the last I ever heard from him.
3. "I'm so loud when I cum that people can hear me outside, even when I'm shut in my basement, even when I'm alone" - 2 friends did help me with their hands with this one, (appreciated) but it did send many others away.
4. "You make me feel things I've never felt before. Even from across a room, I feel more from you than from most people actually touching me." - That guy told me he'd get nothing meaningful out of even being my friend. I had to continuously apologize to that ass for having feelings for him.
5. "I fuck my bass. I hope to be able to play it that way some day." - a last resort to get the attention of the Music Eunuchs - I had to fuck my equipment to get them to even look in my direction, and they weren't looking at me, just my gear.
6. "Every time I sit down and it feels so nice, I think of you." - that guy stopped speaking to me entirely until he hurried up and got a girlfriend after I sent him a really sexy video.
(***I now have a friend who sends me pictures to make me hot like this now! It's an honest sentiment - the pics he has sent me are AMAZING! I did some writing under this title, inspired by his cock!)

8. "I'm into fake blood and doing my wound make-up for sexual purposes"
9. "Come play with me!"
10. "I want to climb you and chew on you!"
11. I'd love to be the "Naked-and-screaming" kind of friends most of all!
12. "I used to say I'd try anything once, but now, not so much." - I think, based on the conversation's context, this person thought I had sex with a dog or something - I HAVE NOT. It's not on the list, either. People are SO JUDGMENTAL that I can't open my mouth at all!
I lost MOST of those "friends" entirely - several stopped speaking to me from my nude photos - most would not even give me an outlet in the form of pictures and videos!!!!!!! (My female friends were there for me in that way - we send each other sexy pictures because men make us feel like garbage.)
These guys KNEW about my tattooed lady parts.
They KNEW how loud I am when I'm intensely sexual.
They KNEW I'm into anal sex.
They KNEW I love to suck cock.
They KNEW I was only seeking ONE PERSON, and it was intended to be the last new sexual partner I would ever have in life - they KNEW I wanted so much to give someone something really intense & special, because I was saying so!
Also - They KNEW I have a fully equipped band room with a mattress... I wanted a creative & fun electronic musician to have a passionate and music-based experience with.
Isn't that fucked that NOT ONE musician wanted me?!?! Most of them didn't even want to hang out with me!!!!!
Isn't it fucked that I spent almost 3 full years being rejected & made to feel unwanted and un-sexy???!!!!!
Isn't it fucked right up that "men" here DON'T WANT a passionate, sexual woman who wants to give someone a fantasy experience???!!!!!

None of them deserved my sexy art, photos, videos and passionate thoughts that were intended for someone special.
That's why I share these things with the world now - so the whole world can see exactly what NO ONE wanted.
I play by myself with my camera as my partner & lover, and the world is invited into my privacy.